Build New Business Via Promotional Seed Packets Marketing

Here at Best Print Buy, we are your one-stop shop for all print and promotional marketing products. The spring and summer seasons mark the predictable high point in the volume of one particularly effective business marketing product, custom seed packet marketing campaigns. There’s no wonder or secret to why this is. Americans value every service provider who takes the time and energy to reward them with free, and more importantly, useful gifts.

So we’ll take a moment here with you today to discuss how and why that is. Promotional seed packets for real estate marketing can be effectively used to promote various locations and events. Here are just a few examples:

Open Houses: Provide seed packets as giveaways or as part of a welcome package for visitors attending your open houses. This creates a memorable impression and serves as a reminder of your agency.

Community Events: Set up a booth or table at local community events such as fairs, festivals, or farmer’s markets. Distribute seed packets to attendees, engaging them in conversations about real estate while promoting your brand.

Trade Shows: Participate in relevant trade shows or industry events where you can showcase your real estate services. Offer seed packets as promotional items to attract visitors to your booth and initiate conversations.

Mailings and Direct Mail Campaigns: Include promotional seed packets in mailings to prospects or as part of direct mail campaigns. This can target specific neighborhoods or demographics that align with your real estate goals.

Client Appreciation Gifts: Show appreciation to your existing clients by gifting them seed packets as a token of gratitude. This not only strengthens your relationship but also encourages them to refer your services to others.

New Homeowner Packages: Include seed packets in welcome packages for new homeowners. This thoughtful gesture adds a personal touch and helps them create a positive association with your agency.

Referral Incentives: Encourage referrals by offering seed packets as incentives for clients who refer friends, family, or colleagues to your real estate services. This rewards their loyalty and motivates them to spread the word about your agency.

Social Media Contests: Organize social media contests where participants can win seed packets by engaging with your real estate content, sharing their own gardening experiences, or tagging friends. This increases engagement and expands your online presence.

Remember to align the distribution of seed packets with your target audience and marketing goals. By using them strategically in different settings, you can effectively promote your real estate agency while providing recipients with a tangible and memorable experience.

Contact Best Print Buy for your custom seed packet needs.