Stand Out Marketing Tips for Real Estate Business

Greetings again everyone from Best Print Buy with more real estate marketing tips for you and your business. Let’s discuss social media as a critical marketing tool that far too many real estate agents out there fail to fully capitalize upon.

Social media is near the top of the list in outsmarting and outpacing your competition. Home shoppers share listings and pictures with friends and family. An active social media profile employs the use of those who are not even in the housing market to work as an arm of your marketing team. Adding social sharing buttons to your website enables your viewers to share your listings with their friends and family.

Briefly, let’s discuss hashtag strategies. Using hashtags your social media accounts become more noticeable. It will help build your audience and grow your followers. For example, indicating in your post an open house with hashtags like #openhousesmithfield or #hotforeclosuressmithfield. You will notice that people soon begin to follow that hashtag and your profile will soon grow immeasurably. Hashtags are a great way for brand recognition. Identify yourself or your company by name within the hashtag.

Another social media strategy involves promoting your open house events. In your social media pages, post your open house with a little creative theme that suits the occasion. An example with the forthcoming valentine’s day, you will post the open house with a side theme of hearts and valentine meet up in the open house. It gives a big impact and readers will be motivated to attend the event. Take some photos of videos and post them to your social media pages or go live on Facebook. Make sure you get the personal details of your prospects for more follow-through conversation.

For more tips on marketing real estate business, contact Best Print Buy.