What happens after you hand someone a business card?

Real estate business cards

Where does your business card go after you hand it to a new connection or a prospective client? If you’re lucky, the card or information is saved in some way – entered into a database, stuck to the fridge, or even tossed in a pile on someone’s desk. If you’re not lucky, your card ends up in the trash the next time the recipient empties out his or her purse, pockets, or briefcase.

Even if you know the stats are true, the idea of the real estate business cards you worked so hard on ending up in a trash can stings. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to ensure that more of the cards you hand out snag a coveted spot on the fridge or in a wallet than in the circular file.

  • Ask for a card before you hand out yours. At networking meetings and other business events, try to learn about the other person’s business and establish a connection before exchanging cards. You’ll be a lot more memorable when you do.
  • Write something on the card. Real estate agents who leave the back of their card blank have a built-in space for doing this, but even doing something as simple as writing in your personal cell number or a note about where you met will work. People will unconsciously view the card as “personalized”, and therefore more valuable. Note that this doesn’t work with pre-written notes, only those done in front of the recipient.
  • Tie your card to a specific action. Related to the previous tip, personalizing a card you hand out makes recipients treat it more like a letter and less like junk mail. This can work with something as simple as  saying “I’ll send you an email about that tomorrow. Let me give you my card so you can get in touch with me in case the email doesn’t come through.” Specificity is the key – finding something that reminds people to hang on to your card.

Of course, handing out real estate business cards in less than optimal situations isn’t a complete loss. It’s still a valuable strategy to make sure as many people as possible have your contact information. But if you meet someone who seems like a great fit for your business, it’s worth going the extra mile to make sure your business card is memorable.