Real Estate Folded Notecard Marketing: Establish Lasting Impressions To Generate Listing Contracts

Real Estate Folded Note CardsA personalized hand-written notecard is one of THE most productive marketing strategies that any real estate agent can employ. Think about the last hand-written not you received. Maybe you have to think WAY back to remember it, but you do remember it. It is personal. It is meaningful. And when you put your handwriting in front of a prospective client, you’ve delivered something personal and meaningful.

The effectiveness of real estate folded note cards of course is influenced by the design of the notecard itself. The messaging of course is of paramount importance, but even the best messaging can get lost on cheap and unproductive paper stock. \

The folded real estate note card is simply a fundamental marketing tool in every successful real estate agents tool chest. We can help get you there. To learn how, contact Best Print Buy.