Real Estate Promotional Materials Gives You Strategic Marketing Results

The real estate industry is increasingly competitive. That mandates a constant eye on marketing and evolving your marketing strategy to set the pace. Today we’re going to briefly discuss real estate promotional materials that deliver results.

Branded promotional distributions are a proven effective marketing strategy. When you and your real estate marketing business is supplied with branded and easily transferred marketing products, you position yourself to take full advantage of open houses, tradeshows, chance encounters, and a host of other situations that present an opportunity to promote your skills and brand.

There’s psychology involved in presenting a product as simple as a real estate business card, real estate magnet, or in this sports-deprived time, a real estate football magnet. Humans have a tendency when given something, something as simple as a football magnet, to feel indebted for the gift. This indebtedness is at the subconscious level that can and will take root for a percentage of those you engage. This is not to say that everyone that you pass a refrigerator magnet is going to feel that they owe you a call, but we are saying is that there are a percentage of those contacts that will choose a service provider who has invested even a small level of time and/or gift commodity over those who they’ve established no personal connection.

Real estate marketing is both tactical (short-term goals) and strategic (playing the long game). That football magnet may not motivate a call at season’s end when they just happen to be in the market to buy or sell, and oh by the way, would really appreciate a magnet for whatever sport that they are transitioning to. We have countless stories from clients who inform that some promotional branded marketing tool drove a new business relationship months later. Strategic marketing must be part of your overall strategy.

For information on a wide assortment of real estate promotional strategies, contact Best Print Buy.