Making networking work for your real estate business

Name badge

“People do business with people they know, like, and trust.” You’ve almost certainly heard this networking truism before. When it comes to getting referrals and business partners, you can’t beat building relationships. Networking events provide a great starting point to make those connections. And while gaining trust takes time, these three tools can help any real estate agent get a jumpstart on being known and liked.

Business cards

This should be a no-brainer. Always have an ample supply on hand when you’re attending a networking meeting! Your real estate business card should help the people you meet remember who you are, and ideally something about what sets you apart as well. Most networking events offer time for every participant to briefly introduce themselves. If you have a tagline or slogan on your business card, repeat it during your introduction. For agents who work out of a larger office, it’s important to brand yourself individually as well. Otherwise, prospective clients or referral partners may remember you just as “the Century 21 guy”, and not know to ask for you specifically when they call your office or want to send a referral your way.

Name badges

The larger a networking group is, the more important it is to set yourself apart. In a sea of businesspeople with “Hello, my name is…” stickers on their shirts, the networker with a name badge is easy to spot. A name badge marks you as a professional, as someone whose business is more than just a hobby. And with a custom-branded Century 21 name badge, you’ll be identifiable as a real estate professional even from across the room. Creating a professional image is all a part of helping connections begin to know and trust you.

Something to leave behind

A networking meeting is a great chance to make an initial connection, but without following up you’ll never see any results from your in-person networking. In order to get the most from your initial contacts, you’ll want to schedule one-on-one meetings and help your new contacts understand your business and your ideal clients. Leave-behinds give prospective clients something to remember you by, whether it’s a business card, a brochure, or a promotional item like a notepad or real estate football schedule magnet.

Networking done right is a strategy that requires your time – there’s no way around it. But done with care and thoughtfulness, this investment in your real estate business will pay big dividends in relationships and referrals.