Banishing the real estate boogeyman: Making real estate transactions scarily simple

Stack Of Folders And Documents On Office Table Ask a group of homeowners what the most stressful part of buying a home is, and you’ll almost certainly find that “managing all the paperwork” comes in third (right behind “packing & unpacking all my stuff” and “writing the check”). While there’s not much you can do about the first two, when it comes to the paperwork issue there’s a lot that real estate agents can do to help ease the pain.

  1. Cut down on unpleasant surprises. Often the worst part of dealing with an unpleasant situation is the anticipation. An educated client is a confident client! Let them know ahead of time what kinds of paperwork they can expect at each point in the process, and make sure they have the information they need to handle everything themselves.
  2. Be a part of the team. When it comes to dealing with real estate headaches, sharing the wealth may be more like spreading the pain. But while you don’t want to needlessly alarm your clients with potential problems along the way, you do want to make sure that they are aware of at least some of the issues that you’ve handled behind the scenes. Done right, this will give your clients some insight into the work that you’ve done on their behalf, and show that you’re just as invested as they are in helping them find (or sell!) the right home at the right price. Knowing you’ve got an expert on your team goes a long way toward taking the bite out of a daunting process.
  3. Give them the tools they need to succeed. Organization has to come from the top. As the guiding force in a real estate transaction, it’s your job to make sure that everyone involved – buyer, seller, agents, inspectors, bank, and title company – is on the same page at all times. And in order to do that, you need the right tools for the job. Look for folders and organizational systems that have the space you need to store all the necessary documents, and are bold enough to be found easily in even the most cluttered office.

You’ve got the know-how. Gather the tools you need to banish the real estate boogeyman, and your clients will be thanking you (and referring you!) for years to come.