Go Ahead and Ask for that Referral!

Networking for real estate agentsStop. Step back. Take a second look at that letter asking for real estate referrals. Is it possible to infuse a bit more of personality or even humor as you ask clients for referrals? When it comes to getting referrals, will a bit more whimsy work for you?

Caution: The sample letter below is not for everyone. But it may give you new ideas of fun and creative ways to craft a referral request that not only gets noticed, but gets results.

Here’s what to do. Look at the sample below. Customize it by adding, deleting or tweaking just the right words or expressions to fit your personality. Refine them using your own voice and language. Make them your own. Most of all—use them.

Next, copy and paste the sample letter onto your own stationary (or email). Test it out to see what kind of response you get. You can always make revisions as you go along.

Objective: Ask for what you want! What you want is a referral. Make it clear and make it simple, but be direct. Don’t make your clients guess why you are writing. Ask folks to send referrals your way.

Here’s a sample:

Subject Line: A big announcement!

Hello (name of customer, friend, family member, etc),

You know those generic emails that fill up your mailbox with needless information?

This is not one of them! (Audible sigh of relief.)

I am, however, writing with a major announcement. One that I hope you’ll join me in celebrating (with a big round of applause)!

I’ve recently begun a new career at <name of real estate agency> and I’m ready to tell the world. This new venture represents a strong desire to <describe what you’re trying to accomplish>—intertwined a powerful need to design a creative career that’s distinctly mine.

I can’t tell you how excited I am to offer my gifts to the people who need them the most. (And I must confess, I’ve got some butterfiies in my stomach, as well!)

I’ve sketched out three ways you can help spread the word about my new adventure:

1. Pass my new <business card, flyer, etc.> along to anyone in your orbit who might need some real estate advice.

2. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for potential connections. I’m aiming myself at the <neighborhood/region> real estate agent who specializes in <describe your ideal client>. All leads are welcomed with huge thanks and appreciation.

3. Send good thoughts and well wishes my way. I’m really excited for this new venture and appreciate your support!

<your signature>